Sunday 4 September 2011

A glimpse of Islay

It is Sunday morning and once again I have woken to a beautiful day here on Islay at Rockside Farm - I feel so incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to spend this time on Islay.   I am surrounded by amazing scenery, various animals and even better the time to enjoy everything without the 'usual' pressures of eveyday life!  What more could I ask for.......

Below are a few more photos illustrating the beauty of Islay for those who have not yet experienced this wonderful retreat.

Lily, Poppy and Ambrose up on the hill

Birds on the wild blackberry bushes

Up on the hills - this would have had a brilliant view in its' day

Looking out towards Smaull

Rockside Farm

Silago Bay


Heading back from acrros the dunes

Machir Bay - just can't escape from the beauty and brilliant colors